11. Collateral Management

Centralized Asset Management or Collateral Management System (CMS) enables the user to record a new collateral, evaluate it, and re-evaluate the existing collateral.

A Collateral Management System is used to minimize the frauds which involve the same collateral being pledged for different Loan and re-evaluating existing collateral manually or connecting to the VIN Interface.

The Collateral Details screen is opened from the Servicing > Servicing > Collateral Management and contains the following tab:

11.1 Collateral Tab

Using the Collateral screen, you can record a new collateral, view the valuation of collateral, and re-evaluate the existing collateral.

The collateral details can also be defined in the collateral screen of Application Entry screen.

The system assigns collateral statuses and the following are the statuses:

Calculate Parameters

The ‘Calculate Parameters’ button is available in the Collateral Details header. Clicking on it calculates the Target parameters for the selected Collateral and populates the computed values in the custom user defined fields.

However, for system to populate data in custom fields, the following setup is required:

For more information, refer to specific section in Setup guides.

To enter the Collateral Details

  1. On the application master screen, click Servicing > Servicing > Collateral Management > Collateral Details.

  2. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Type and Description section

Collateral Type

Select the collateral type.


Select the check box if this property is the primary collateral.

Asset ID

View the asset identification number.

Asset #

View the asset number which is automatically generated.

Asset Class

Select the asset Class.

Asset Type

Select the asset type.

Sub Type

Select the asset sub type.

Registration #

Enter the vehicle registration number.


View the vehicle status.

Select Make and Model

Select the Make and Model number of asset from the drop down list. You can use the search option to select the details.


Specify the year of the vehicle.

Estimated Life

Specify the estimated life of the asset.


Specify the make of the vehicle.


Specify the model of the vehicle.

Identification #

Specify the vehicle identification number.


Specify the body of the vehicle.


Specify the description of the asset.


Select the condition of the asset from drop-down list.

Lien Details

Lien Status

Select the type of Lien action.

Lien Event Dt

Select the lien event date from the calendar.

Second Lien Holder

Specify the name of second lien holder.


Specify additional details if any.

Lien Release Entity

Select the lien release entity from the drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

- Customer

- Producer

- Others

- Business

Note: If ‘Others’ is selected as the Lien Release Entity, ensure that the Entity Name and Address details are updated cor­rectly since the same is not auto-validated with the data main­tained in the system.

Entity Name

If you have selected the lien release entity as ‘Customer’ or ‘Producer’, system automatically filters entity name list with corresponding customer accounts or producer. Similarly, if the lien release entity is selected as ‘Business’ system displays the Business name if the asset is linked to Business account. Select the required entity name from the drop-down list.

If you have selected the lien release entity as ‘Others’ specify the entity name.

Address section


Select the country.


Select the county.

Address #

Specify the address number.

Address Line 1

Specify the first address line.

Address Line 2

Specify the second address line.


Select the zip code.

Zip Extn

Specify the zip extension.


Specify the city.


Select the state.

Usage Details

The details maintained in this section is used to calculate ‘EXCESS USAGE FEE’ in pay­off quote and termination transactions.


View/specify the start unit of asset usage.


View/specify the base units.


View/specify the extra usage units.


View/specify the total usage units.

Vacation Ownership Details


Check this box to indicate if the asset is considered for billing.

Due Amt Account Type

Select one of the following account type from the drop-down list to indicate on which account this asset is to be considered for billing.

- Current Account

- Linked Account

- Master Account

Note: If ‘Billing’ option is checked and the Due Amt Account Type is selected as Current/Linked/Master Account, then the billing batch job posts the transactions based on Asset Billing Rate setup in Current account / Linked Account of current Account / Master Account of current Account respectively.

Trade Eligible

This check box is selected by default and indicates that the asset is eligible for trade.

If checked (Trade Eligible = Y) then Asset Status is marked as INACTIVE during Trade. If unchecked (Trade Eligible = N) Asset status is marked as ACTIVE.

Consolidate Points at Master

Check this box to indicate that point can be consolidated at master account level. Refer to ‘Consolidate Actual Points at Master’ section for more details.

Points Consolidation Type

Select the type of points consolidation option from drop-down list. This field is used to identify the assets at Associated accounts to consolidate the points.

Custom Fields - This section displays the custom User Defined Fields if enabled in Setup and if configured, populates specific business computation values.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. Click Submit.

11.1.1 Actual Points and Billing Points Consolidation

Consolidate Actual Points at Master

Actual Points consolidation at Master account level may or may not include the points at associated account(s) and is controlled based on the status of ‘Consolidate Points at Master’ check box.

Points consolidation is done in following scenarios:

To ‘Consolidate Points at Master’, following validations and update options are provided:

Billing Points Consolidation

OFSLL uses Billing Points for Asset Billing calculations to derive the transaction amount using different asset billing rates. For more information, refer to Setup > Asset Billing Rate screen.

Billing points consolidation at Master Account level is decided based on status of ‘Consolidate Points at Master’ option selected at Master Account level.


If the ‘Consolidate Points at Master’ option is changed from ‘N’ to ‘Y’ at later point, then points consolidation of Master account is not done. However, consolidation is still done if there is a change in associated account(s).

The consolidated billing points are populated in Vacation Ownership sub tab available in Customer Service screen > Collateral tab > Home sub tab.

Following examples illustrates on how Actual and billing points are consolidated.

Scenario 1: Consolidate Points at Master = N

Here, consolidation is not done and billing points are considered based on Asset Usage Type. Also, even if ‘Consolidate Points to Master = Y’ for associated account(s), the same is not considered.

Account Type

Points on Funding

Actual Points

Asset Usage Type

Billing Points

Master M1



Half (total Points/2)


Associated A1





Associated A2





Scenario 2: Consolidate Points at Master = Y

Here, billing points consolidation is done but Asset Usage Type of Master account is not considered.

Account Type

Points on Funding

Actual Points

Asset Usage Type

Billing Points

Master M1



(50 points of M1 is overwritten)


(Not considered)


Associated A1



Half (total Points/2)


Associated A2



Half (total Points/2)


Note that, billing points are consolidated only if the following conditions are satisfied:

11.1.2 Valuations Sub Tab

The Valuation sub section contains information about the value of the asset. The Values section enables you enter the value of the asset. The Addons sub tab records information about any add ons associated with the collateral.

To complete the Valuations section

  1. Click Valuations section.
  2. In this section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Valuations section


Select if this is the current valuation.

Valuation Dt

Specify the valuation date.


Select the valuation source.


Specify the valuation edition.


Specify the valuation supplement.

Total Value =

View the total value.

Wholesale Base

Specify the wholesale value.


Specify the usage value; that is, the monetary effect that cur­rent mileage has on the value of vehicle.

Retail Base

Specify the retail value.

Addons +

View the add-ons value.

Usage Value +

Specify the usage. This pertains to Loan and usually is entered as the current mileage on vehicle.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In the Addons section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. You need to specify all the field values for every asset’s add-ons and attributes on the application.
  3. A brief description of the fields is given below::


    Do this:


    Select the add-on/attribute.


    Specify the value of the attribute.


    Specify the add-on amount.

  4. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

11.1.3 Tracking Sub Tab

The Tracking sub screen enables you to record further information associated with the collateral. What items you choose to track are setup during implementation.

To track attributes for the collateral

  1. Click the Tracking sub tab.
  2. In the Tracking Items section, click Load Details.
  3. In the Tracking Items section, you can perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Tracking Item

View the tracking type


Select the disposition.

Start Dt

Specify the tracking start date.

End Dt

Specify the tracking end date.

Followup Dt

Specify the next follow-up date.


Select to track the information from start date in the Start Dt field.


Specify any comments regarding the tracking item.

  1. Complete the Tracking Item Details section by entering information about a parameter in the corresponding the Value field.
  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

11.1.4 Vacation Ownership sub tab

In the Vacation Ownership sub tab you can capture and maintain ‘Timeshare’ specific collateral details of an account. This tab is displayed only for ‘Home’ collateral and allows to maintain only one records for the selected account.

For detailed information of the fields in this sub tab, refer to ‘Vacation Ownership tab’ section in Customer Service > Collateral > Home tab.

11.1.5 Status History Sub Tab

The Status History sub tab enables you to view the asset history of association with accounts.

To view the Status History

  1. Click the Status History sub tab.
  2. In the Status History section, view the following information:


    Do this:

    Account #

    View the account number.


    View the status of asset.

    Lien Status

    View lien status of the asset.

    Line Event Date

    View lien event date of the asset.

    Data Change Sta­tus

    View the data change status of the asset.

    Data Change Date

    View the data change date of the asset.


    View comments of the asset if any.

11.1.6 Asset Relation Sub Tab

The Asset Relation sub tab enables you to view the asset relationship.

To view the Asset Relation

  1. Click the Asset Relation sub tab.
  2. In the Asset Relation section, view the following information:


    Do this:

    Account #

    View the account number.

    Asset #

    View the asset number.

    Account Status

    View the Account status.

    Current Ind

    Indicates that this is the current asset.

    Primary Ind

    Indicates that this asset is the primary.

11.1.7 Audit Sub Tab

The Audit sub tab enables you to view the asset relationship.

To view the Audit

  1. Click the Audit sub tab
  2. In the Audit section, view the following information:


    Do this:

    Account Id

    View the account identification number.

    Asset Id

    View the asset identification number.

    Column Name

    View the column name.

    New Value

    View the new value.

    Old Value

    View the old value.

    Changed By

    View the person name who changed the details.

    Changed Date

    View the date on when the details are changed.

11.2 Search Tab

A Search screen is available on the Collateral Management System to help locate information such as an asset type, asset number, identification number, asset status, make, model, and year. This is the information that is used on the Collateral screen.

To search for a Collateral details

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home screen, click Servicing > Servicing > Collateral Management > Search.
  2. The Collateral Management screen’s Search screen appears.

  3. In the Search Criteria section, use the Comparison Operator and Value columns to enter the search criteria you want to use to locate a collateral.
  4. Click Search. The system displays result of the search in Results screen.
  5. On the Results screen, select the collateral you want to load and click Submit. The system loads the collateral details on the Collateral Details screen.